The Queen and her many Kings

Parmigiano-Reggiano is often referred to as the “King of Cheeses”.    And one could say these 3 year matured, 38kg giants are well deserving of the title.

But wait… 

Could there be more than one Cheesy King?  Well yes, the King of English cheeses is Stilton, and the Swiss call their 100kg wheels of holey Emmental the “King of cheeses”.  

...a weird, royal love triangle...

Just across the French border is Compte,  you guessed it, Compte is also, apparently, the King of cheeses.  The French actually have several cheese kings.   

Roquefort, is reported to be a favourite of Emperor Charlemagne and is referred to as the cheese of kings and popes.  Popes!?  Holy Cheese!  or is it Blessed are the Cheeses?

The famous epicure Brillat-Savarin himself, classed Epoisses de Bourgogne as the “King of ALL cheeses”.  

If that’s not enough,  the French really tried to mix it up with Brie which is creatively referred to as the “Queen of cheese”.  Wow, they went out on a limb with that radical title!

Just when this is starting to sound like a weird, royal love triangle, we find out that  James Kraft, the inventor of processed cheese spread, has been named the “Cheese King”.  Now that’s just wrong!