Cheese & Wine. Do they really go together?


A perfect Cheese/Wine match is like a beautiful symphony of flavour on the taste buds.

When Cheese meets Wine, you know you’re in for a good time.  Cheese and wine is truly a match made in heaven.  A perfect cheese/wine match is like a beautiful symphony of flavour on the taste buds.  With so many varieties and styles of cheese and wine to choose from, you’re sure to discover many perfect cheese and wine matches to delight your palate.  Today, I have a few broad guidelines to help you make this experience even more enjoyable.

White Mould Cheese - Brie and Camembert

These soft, creamy cheeses, go great with Chardonnay or a refreshing Sparkling Wine.  The creamy cheese will coat the palate, so we need a crisp wine with a flavour that will cut through, and not get smothered.  It’s also fine to enjoy them with a variety of other wines, including a full bodied red, or even a fortified wine. 

Blue Vein Cheese

Blue Cheese with it’s strong, tangy flavour, demands a robust or sweet wine.  I go for Dessert wines, Fortified wines, or Aromatic/Fruity Whites.

Matured Cheddar

The strength of flavour goes well with Full-bodied Dry Wine,  red or white both go well with Cheddar

As a general rule of thumb,  mild/fresh cheeses go well with light, refreshing wine.  Strong, matured cheese is best complemented by a full bodied robust wine.

The only way to know good cheese and wine is to sample them for yourself and have a lot of fun along the way.