Queen of Cheeses

Brie, is a soft cheese named after the region, south of Paris, where it was originally created. Historically Brie was one of the tributes, which had to be paid to the French kings, perhaps that’s how it got the nickname “Queen of Cheeses”. 

Brie is best served at room temperature


The white mould coating blooms like soft velvet on the surfaces of the cheese. This protects the surface of the cheese and helps it soften and mature in flavour. 

When buying Brie, you should make sure it is ripe—but not too ripe! Give it a gentle squeeze.  Young Brie will feel hard to the touch, while overripe Brie will feel too watery and runny.  As with all cheeses, Brie is best served at room temperature, make sure you take it out of the fridge half an hour before serving, ensuring you enjoy it at its finest. 

Typically creamier and more buttery than her close cousin, Camembert, Brie tastes fantastic with a glass of Bubbly.