The Magic of Christmas

I love Christmas.  It’s a time of Love, Laughter, and Happiness.  

Wonderful memories are created, with Family and Friends, at Christmas time.   It’s a time when the old and the young spend those precious moments together.  A time of reflecting on the year thats been, and dreaming with wonder of the year beginning.  Christmas also gives us an excuse to spend extra time with our children, as we decorate the house with such joyful colour.  Christmas is a time of holidays,  backyard cricket, and swimming in the sea.   

Christmas is the perfect time to share a wheel of Cheese with friends.

I love the wonderful flavours of Christmas, from Summer Barbecues to seafood and a nice cold beer.   Christmas is the perfect time to share a wheel of Cheese with friends.  I’ll be serving a “Baked Brie”, topped with Cranberrys and drizzled with fresh honey.   This Christmas, why not, go to your local deli and try a cheese you’ve never tasted before.  Go on,  be brave, dare to discover some new exquisite flavours.  Let the “cheese adventure” begin, this Christmas.